Bild vergrössern
Von Betz, Robert
Robert Betz Verlag, 2011, 306 S., Hardcover, in englischer Sprache
ISBN: 978-3-942581-23-3
19,95 €
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The Truth About Love That Fosters Happiness We look to love for ultimate fulfillment, only to frequently encounter disappointment, hurt, and pain instead. But life by no means has to remain this way, as popular psychologist and life coach Robert Betz shows us. »When it comes to love, we’re like children in adult bodies, hungering for attention« is one of his provocative premises. And those who succumb to widespread misconceptions about the essence of love are setting themselves up for repeated disappointment. People of all ages, women and men, singles and pairs – we all need to recognize our individual behavior patterns playing out in relationships, to overcome inner limitations, and to heal old wounds. With a truly refreshing approach, Robert Betz helps us see the major life issue of »love« in a completely new light: true love truly does bring happiness, for it leads us to joy – both within ourselves and with others.
“Love always coexists with freedom. Those who truly love inevitably set their loved ones free at all times.”
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