Bild vergrössern
Von Stejnar, Emil
Stejnar Verlag, 2023. 216 S., Softcover
ISBN: 9783900721282
25,00 €
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Beware! If you sleep soundly, and wish to continue sleeping soundly, then you ought not to read this book. These fantastic short stories will take you to abysses into which you may fall, both in this world and in the hereafter. They deal with dreams in which you know you are dreaming, and with the reality which you’re sleeping through, although you’re convinced you are awake. You’ll be jolted awake by these extraordinary and mystical tales of love, madness, and passion, of homicidal lust and death, as well as by the author’s remarks on the stories. Dream or reality? That is the question, and the answer is always surprising. Within every exciting and entertaining episode you’ll find a serious idea offering you food for thought. Crazy worldviews are set straight. Beliefs are questioned, and un-believable new insights illuminate matters which previously lay in the dark. An entirely new worldview is presented by revolutionary theses concerning the mystery of consciousness, the world of dreams, and the nature of spirit and the spirits. This book concerns the practical knowledge that human beings – the powerful and the powerless alike – are unwitting pawns in the strategy game of the gods. And it concerns the technique which allows us to awaken, to free ourselves, and to jump off this game board. Again, Stejnar proves esotericism can be exciting, intelligent, and immensely helpful for living (and dying).
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