The Power of Dyad Meditation

The New Way of Meditationg in Times of Loneliness and Social Sress

Von Anliker, Simone

Simone Anliker, 2020, 148 S., ca. 13 x 20 cm, Softcover

ISBN: 979-86-424-0990-9

16,90 €

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The New Way of Meditating in Times of Loneliness and Social Stress
The Dyad Meditation allows you to connect with yourself and another person on a soul level—sharing your essence, your innate wisdom, and the core of your being. It helps you to directly experience the truth of your Divine Self. As you are following your own inner guidance and the wisdom of your heart, you are coming closer to experiencing the fundamental truth: We are all One.
Also available in german language.


Anliker, Simone

Simone Anliker, LL.M.,ist CNVC-zertifizierte Trainerin für gewaltfreie Kommunikation, zertifizierte NARM Trauma Practitioner (NeuroAffective Relational Model), iEDMR Coach und Co-Autorin von "Speaking From Our Hearts (3), Life Shift Experiences and Holistic Healing. Sie ist die Gründerin vom Global Dyad Meditation Project und Inhaberin von Compassion & Voice, einem internationalen Seminar- und Coachingunternehmen mit Sitz in der Schweiz.

In Ihrer Arbeit versucht sie dem Mitgefühl (Compassion), das wir alle in uns tragen, eine Stimme (Voice) zu geben.

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