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Timothy's Brain, o.J., CD
12,95 €
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1. Crystal Chandelier - "The Setting of Despair" (2:45) 2. Last Word - "Bidin' My Time" (2:13) 3. Whatever - "The Valley of Death" (2:20) 4. Allies - "I'll Sell My Soul" (2:45) 5. World Column - "Lantern Gospel" (3:27) 6. Hobbits - "Strawberry Children" (3:23) 7. Picture - "Evolution" (4:24) 8. West Coast Branch - "Colors of My Life" (2:30) 9. Morticians - "It's Gonna Take a While" (2:36) 10. First National Band - "When Once It Was Good" (2:42) 11. Savage Genreation - "You're Not Going to Change My World" (3:03) 12. Starfires - "There's Still Time" (1:59) 13. Hindenburg Lyon - "Eden" (2:13) 14. Ford Theater - "Jefferson Airplane" (3:04) 15. Lords - "Death Bells at Dawn" (2:48) 16. United Travel Service - "Wind and Stone" (3:21) 17. Culver Street Playground - "East River Lovers" (2:54) 18. Utopia Carwash - "Loneliness" (3:20) 19. Venus Flytrap - "The Note" (3:14) 20. Rainy Daze - "In My Mind Lives a Forest" (2:49) 21. Zero Tolerance - "Acid and Flowers" (3:24)
Label: Timothy's Brain
Weitere Zahlungsoptionen:Paypal, Nachnahme,Vorkasse, Lastschrift
* Nur innerhalb Deutschlands. Für Lieferungen in das europäische Ausland (EU und Schweiz) fallen minimale Versandkosten an.
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