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Von Bonek, Jan
Eminent, 2008, 175 S. m. zahlr. Farbabb., geb. Softcover, in englischer Sprache
ISBN: 978-80-7281-344-5
14,90 €
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At the end of the 16th century, Prague and in particular the Prague Castle became the European center of occult science, astrology and alchemy as well as international politics and scientific research of astronomers, physicians and botanists. The capital city of the monarchy also enticed the most renowned artists of that time - painters, etchers, sculptors and musicians. Even though it was a very short time period that lasted less than 37 years altogether, it has made a mark in the history of European culture.
At the beginning of this magnificent time was a single man. A dreamer, self-made researcher, collector of art and natural peculiarities, great supporter of everything mysterious in the world around us and in particular benefactor of anybody who could expand his knowledge of the world - Rudolf II, the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire and the king of Bohemia and Hungary.
Out of the contents: - How the Crown Prince Came to Rule Prague - Rudolf and Spain - Rudolf the Czech King - Prague, the Capital City of the Monarchy - The Castle Full of Mysteries and Secrets - The Emperor of Flesh and Blood
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