Yoga, Tantra and Meditation in Daily Life

Von Janakananda Saraswati, Swami

Bindu Verlag, 2015, 3. erweiterte und überarbeitete Ausgabe, 128 Seiten, kartoniert, in englischer Sprache

ISBN: 9789197789455

24,95 €

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Note: The German edition of this title is Yoga, Tantra und Meditation im Alltag, ISBN: 978-9-1977-8946-2. 
Through the original yoga, human consciousness is expanded. The body becomes strong and supple and the mind calm. You become conscious of your life patterns and acquire a firm basis for self-reliance and inner contentment. By strengthening your ability to relax and let go, and by sustaining a high level of energy, you give your life a totally new quality.
"Yoga, Tantra and Meditation in Daily Life", firmly rooted in the tradition, is a modern classic. The clear step-by-step instructions, richly illustrated, make it easy for the beginner to learn the yoga poses, breathing exercises, relaxation and meditation. For the experienced, the book contains in-depth sections that include both practice and theory.
This book shows yoga in its original light; recreational, meditative and relaxing, thus providing necessary energy for meeting your daily activities with peace and wellbeing.
You can use the book as a self-study course and for inspiration in your everyday live.
”This book is an interesting and credible source of explanations and guidance for many elements on the path of yoga. Something that you don´t find, to the same degree, in many of the newer yoga books.”  N. Haisken, the magazine Yoga Aktuell
“The book has a serious and traditional, yet pure, honest, light and heart-full approach to yoga. I highly recommend this book!” Siri Kalla, Goodreads

In "Yoga, Tantra and Meditation in Daily Life" you will find:

  • The eight steps in yoga and the different spheres of the yoga tradition;
    Hatha, Swara, Raja, Bhakti, Karma, Jnana, Tantra and more.
  • The various yoga programmes, which make up the main part of the book,
    with thorough and easy to follow instructions:
    • Yoga poses (Asana), both dynamic and serene poses
    • Breathing exercises (Pranayama); for energy, clarity and tranquillity
    • Relaxation
    • Yoga for the eyes
    • Energy attitudes and -locks (Mudra and Bandha)
    • Meditation poses
  • The original sexual practices of tantra yoga
  • Chakra and Kundalini yoga
  • Calmness of mind – Letting go – To have a relaxed relationship to influences
  • The deep relaxation Yoga Nidra
  • The meditations: Inner Silence and the preliminary Kriya Yoga
  • Concentration methods
  • Yoga in daily life

Further Information

Further Information


Janakananda Saraswati, Swami

DE: Swami Janakananda ist der Gründer der Skandinavischen Yoga-und Meditationsschule, eines der anerkanntesten Yogazentren in der westlichen Welt. Er legt besonderen Wert auf den erholsamen, stressreduzierenden und spirituellen Kern des Yoga. Durch seinen tiefgehenden Unterricht von Meditation, Yoga, Kriyayoga, Pranayama und Yoga Nidra trägt er dazu bei, authentischen Yoga lebendig zu halten.

EN: Swami Janakananda is the founder of the Scandinavian Yoga and Meditation School, one of the most respected yoga centres in the West. He emphasizes the restorative, de-stressing and spiritual core of yoga. Through his profound teaching of meditation, yoga, kriya yoga, pranayama and yoga nidra he contributes to upholding authentic yoga.
ES: Swami Janakananda es el fundador de la Scandinavian Yoga and Meditation School, uno de los centros de yoga más respetados de Occidente. Pone de relieve los aspectos de un yoga reparador, que libera el estrés y los fundamentos espirituales del yoga. A través de sus profundas enseñanzas de meditación, yoga, kriya yoga, pranayama y yoga nidra, contribuye a preservar el yoga auténtico.

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