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Von Ad-Daghistani, Abdullah
Spohr Publishers Limited, o.J., 224 S., kartoniert, engl.
ISBN: 9789963400010
12,00 €
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«When I was younger, I read and studied a great deal. Not only religion, Qur’ân and Hadîth, but also European Knowledge, ‘positive, objective knowledge’, as they called it at the University. So many books I read. Also, I met several Sheikhs and learned people, but my heart was not at peace with anyone until I met our Grandsheikh. When he was speaking, ah! He was illiterate, but he was giving with his words Divine Knowledge; knowledge that I could trust a hundred percent! I was in peace with his meetings. For forty years I was with him, and for forty years I tried to follow him. I am the weakest person, but my intention was to follow him. I felt as though I were an ant, with a broken leg, trying to crawl from Damascus to Mecca; that is how I saw myself in our Grandsheikh’s presence. But my hope was to follow him, as our Prophet says: ‘The value of actions is according to the intentions behind them.’ Therefore, I hope my Lord, Allah Almighty, will send me to where Grandsheikh is: to the Divine Presence, even though I am like that little ant. I accepted Grandsheikh as Allah Almighty or dered in Qur’ân: ‘Follow in the path of him who has turned to Me with love.’ This is my intention. I intend to follow him, and I am interested in that point only. I left all my ‘knowledge’, and intended to follow his way to Allah Almighty.» Mevlana Sheikh Nazim al-Haqqani an-Naqshband (From Mercy Oceans Book One)
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