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Von Tenen, Stan
Meru, DVD
25,00 €
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Scholars are not certain how the riddle of squaring the circle – with only a straight edge and a compass – was understood in the ancient world. Most believe Greek mathematicians did not know that the problem is not possible to solve exactly. Other scholars believe that squaring the circle was a way of teaching about philosophical concepts based on geometric thinking. Tenen demonstrates that the Hebrew alphabet solves the riddle.
Posing the riddle of squaring the circle resolves the riddle of the Bible’s lost universal language.
Squaring the circle expresses the transcendental relationship between radius and circumference. It also represents the relationship between the ONE and the MANY; and between the MIND and the WORLD.
In spiritual metaphor, the Infinite EXTENT of the ONE-Lord in consciousness IS the Infinite EXPANSE of the WHOLE-God in the world.
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