Bild vergrössern
Von Tenen, Stan
2011, 365 S., Paperback, Sprache: englisch
ISBN: 978-1-556-43723-6
32,70 €
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Rabbinic tradition asserts that every letter of every word of the Torah is a word in itself. Author Stan Tenen demonstrates that each letter is also a hand gesture, and it is at this level that Hebrew forms a natural universal language. All people, including children before they speak and people without sight, make natural use of these gestures. In The Alphabet That Changed the World, Tenen examines the Hebrew text of Genesis and its relationship to the alphabet. He shows how each letter is both concept and gesture, with the form of the gesture matching the function of the concept. There is thus an implicit relationship between the physical world of function and the conscious world of concept. Using over 200 color illustrations, Tenen demonstrates geometric metaphor as the best framework for understanding the deepest meaning of the text. Such geometry models embryonic growth and self-organization and the core of many healing and meditative practices. Many subjects in contemporary science were derived from the methods and means available to the ancients; The Alphabet That Changed the World makes this authoritative recovery of the “science of consciousness” in Genesis accessible for the first time to the contemporary reading public. According to Rabbinic traditions, the letters that comprise the Torah do not primarily impart an historical narrative, but a cipher based on the letters themselves. Each letter is also a Hebrew word and an instruction for making a meaningful gesture with the hand. The gestures are related to the meanings of the letters, so that the letters in a line of Genesis spell out a sequence of meanings and a sequence of instructions for performing a contemplative dance with the hands. The dance reinforces and specifies the string of meanings. Behind the patterning that determines the sequence of letters lies a series of complexly interrelated geometrical images that in themselves provide metaphors for an ultimately satisfying intuition into the nature of creation and the divine.Thus the letter text is not simply a cipher for the meanings of the letters, but also contains ancient knowledge of both mathematical and cosmological/spiritual import. The title of the book covers many aspects of both the geometry and its meaning and is explicated throughout the text. The geometry is illustrated by numerous colour drawings that almost miraculously not only are related to fundamental symbols of the oldest level of the Jewish tradition, but prove to be relevant to other ancient traditions as well, ranging from Egypt, Islam, to India and the Orient.
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