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Self-Realization Fellowship, o.J., CD
18,90 €
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Lieder der Hingabe - Kirtan, geleitet von Mönchen des SRF-Ordens
“Sound or vibration is the most powerful force in the universe....Music that is saturated with soul force is the real universal music, understandable by all hearts.” —Paramahansa Yogananda
In this recording more than two thousand voices join Self-Realization Fellowship monks, generating an atmosphere of reverence charged with the joyous presence of God. Previously released as a cassette, this digitally remastered double compact disc set includes six new chants: Who Is in My Temple?, In the Valley of Sorrow, Swami Ram Tirtha’s Song, Divine Gypsy, Search Him Out in Secret, and Wink Has Not Touched My Eyes, as well as the existing chants: I Will Sing Thy Name, Deliver Us From Delusion, Spirit and Nature, Hare Krishna, Hare Ram, He Bhagavan, Light the Lamp of Tby Love, Jai Guru / Radha Govinda Jai and Om Chant.
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