Alle Produkte von: Page, K.; Dornenburg, A.
Karen Page and Andrew Dornenburg are the authors of the James Beard Award-winning The Flavor Bible , as well as What to Drink with What You Eat, winner of the 2007 IACP "Cookbook of the Year" Award, the Georges Duboeuf "Wine Book of the Year Award," and the Gourmand World Cookbook Award. Their previous books Becoming a Chef, Dining Out, and The New American Chef have all been winners of or finalists for James Beard and/or IACP book awards. Paired personally as well as professionally, the couple lives in New York City.
Das Lexikon der Aromen und Geschmackskombinationen
Dieses Buch ist ein umfassendes Nachschlagewerk und eine unerschöpfliche Quelle der Inspiration für Köche, Küchenchefs und alle Kochinteressierten, die... mehr