Alle Produkte von: Izzo, John
Dr. John Izzo is the author of some books and a sought after advisor on soul in work and life. Each year he speaks at over 65 corporate and association events to over 50,000 attendees. He has just completed a five hour TV series for the Biography Channel in Canada based on the wise elder interviews. Dr. Izzo's work has been featured by the likes of Fast Company, CNN, INC magazine, ABC World News, the Wall Street Journal, Nurse Week, the LA Times, CBC, and numerous print and electronic outlets worldwide. He is a regular monthly contributor to the Globe and Mail s Career section (the Globe and Mail is Canada s largest national newspaper).
Die fünf Geheimnisse, die Sie entdecken sollten, bevor Sie sterben
Besinnung auf das wirklich Wichtige im Leben
Wir alle sind auf der Suche nach Glück im Leben. Warum dabei nicht... mehr