indische Originale
Leben und Weisheit der glückseligen Mutter Anandamayi Ma
Wer ist Anandamayi Ma? Ihr Name bedeutet "die Mutter, die von Glückseligkeit durchdrungen ist". A. lebte von 1896 - 1982 in Indien als eine der wenigen... mehr
Shrimad Bhagavad Gita
Zwiesprache mit der Ewigkeit
Shrimad Bhagavad Gita - die erhabene, zeitlos gültige Unterweisung Lord Krishnas über die Kunst des richtigen Lebens und... mehr
Gaura-vani Pracarine (Englisch)
Illuminations on the Pranama Mantra mehr
An Introduction to the Yoga Philosophy
This book is an adumbration of the basic principles underlying this system. It gives a scientific exposition of the Yoga practices and the principles and underlying philosophy of... mehr
Insights into Inward Consciousness
The purpose of this treatise is to descriptively analyse the structure of consciousness from "within". The method adopted is the "inward" approach in which consciousness turns... mehr
Mental Health and Hindu Psychology
Swami Akhilananda shows us how to reach mental health by applying the classic techniques of his ancient tradition. the author explains how a stable and healthy mind is the... mehr
The Philosophy of the Upanishads
What is that by knowing which everything in this vast universe is known? This question has sometime or other agitated all thinking persons. the hoary sages of ancient India,... mehr
Perspectives on Consciousness
Consciousness has remained an enigma even after close schientific scrutiny. Last two decades after the twentieth century, therefore, witnessed an explosion of interest in... mehr
Religions of Tibet in Practice
Religions of Tibet is the first major anthology on the topic ever produced. It present an array of works from hagiographics, pilgrimage guides, prayers, accounts of visits to hell... mehr
The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation
The teachings of the most illustrious teachers of Tibet and India, who have transmitted their teachings to the peoples of Occident, are the base of this book. In Book I hereof, an... mehr
The Tibetan Book of the Dead
The Tibetan Book of the Dead, has taken it to be a very free translation of Bardo Thödol (Liberation by Hearing on the After-Death-Plane), is among the sacred books of the world.... mehr
Religions of India in Practice
This volume brings together the work of thirty scholars of the religions of India in a new anthology designed to reshape the ways in which the religious traditions of India are... mehr
Buddhism in Practice
The anthology illustrates the vast scope of Buddhist practice in Asia, past and present, by presenting a selection of forty-eight translated texts including hagiographics,... mehr
A Tibetan-English Dictionary
This work represents a new and thoroughly revised edition of a Tibetan-German Dictionary, which appeared in a lithographed form between the years 1871 and 1876. During a... mehr
The World of Tantra
The author unfolds chapter by chapter, layer after layer the secrets of the tantra world, as he has found himself in, at times to satisfy his quest, at times just as a beam... mehr