Alle von: Munshiram Manoharlal
Perspectives on Consciousness
Consciousness has remained an enigma even after close schientific scrutiny. Last two decades after the twentieth century, therefore, witnessed an explosion of interest in... mehr
Religions of Tibet in Practice
Religions of Tibet is the first major anthology on the topic ever produced. It present an array of works from hagiographics, pilgrimage guides, prayers, accounts of visits to hell... mehr
The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation
The teachings of the most illustrious teachers of Tibet and India, who have transmitted their teachings to the peoples of Occident, are the base of this book. In Book I hereof, an... mehr
The Tibetan Book of the Dead
The Tibetan Book of the Dead, has taken it to be a very free translation of Bardo Thödol (Liberation by Hearing on the After-Death-Plane), is among the sacred books of the world.... mehr
Religions of India in Practice
This volume brings together the work of thirty scholars of the religions of India in a new anthology designed to reshape the ways in which the religious traditions of India are... mehr
Buddhism in Practice
The anthology illustrates the vast scope of Buddhist practice in Asia, past and present, by presenting a selection of forty-eight translated texts including hagiographics,... mehr
A Tibetan-English Dictionary
This work represents a new and thoroughly revised edition of a Tibetan-German Dictionary, which appeared in a lithographed form between the years 1871 and 1876. During a... mehr
The World of Tantra
The author unfolds chapter by chapter, layer after layer the secrets of the tantra world, as he has found himself in, at times to satisfy his quest, at times just as a beam... mehr
The Modern English-Hindi Dictionary
This dictionary is designed to help all those who are engaged in learning or teaching or translating English. It is also meant to help the layman to understand modern technical... mehr
A Practical Sanskrit Dictionary
With transliteration accentuation and etymological analysis throughout Present work is much more copious than other lexicons for Sanskrit students. Excluding all words and... mehr
Vedanta Explained, Bd. 1 + 2
Samkara´s Commentary on The Brahma-sutras. Volume I & II mehr
Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines
or Seven Books of Wisdom of the Great Path, According to the Late Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup´s English Rendering mehr
Tibets Great Yogi Milarepa
The teachings of the late Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup, the Tibetan Guru, have been culled and presented for Western world. It aims at foresting greater understanding for further study... mehr
Mundaka Upanishad (Mundakopanishad)
There are sixty-four verses or chapters each comprising two Sections or Khandas. The whole book as well as each chapter is called Mundaka, a word etymologically denoting a shaving... mehr
The Brhadaranyaka Upanisad
The upanishads number 108, but only ten of them are taken as authoritative. The Vedantic commentator Sri Sankara has taken only ten of them for his learned exegeses, and of... mehr