Alle Produkte von: Wittwer, Amrei; Folkers, Gerd
Gerd Folkers is professor of pharmaceutical chemistry at the ETH Zürich since 1991. He studied pharmacy at the University of Bonn and earned his Ph.D. on structure-activity relationships of desapurines. He then moved to the University of Tübingen, where he completed his habilitation in pharmaceutical chemistry. During a stay with H.-D. Hoeltje in Bern, he studied new research methods in computer-aided molecular design and expanded this knowledge during other stays with T. Blundell at the Birkbeck College and E. Meyer at Texas A&M University.The focus of his research is the molecular interaction between drugs and their binding sites. Besides his work on the molecular mechanism of "conventional" nucleoside therapeutics against virus infections and cancer, his special interest has shifted to immuno-therapeutics.